Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gene for Hair Loss May Have Been Discovered: Baldness Cure Forthcoming?

Japanese researchers have studied hair loss in mice and they may have discovered the gene that causes hair loss. They believe it is the same gene that is associated with alopecia (inherited hair loss) in people. The gene is called Sox21 and the researchers bred mice that did not have this gene. These mice experienced regular hair loss that began at the crown of their head until all the hair fell out, including the whiskers. This happened within 25 days. Any new hair growth was followed by hair loss.

The repeated hair loss in the subject mice was observed for two years. It was also noted that the mice had larger oil-secreting glands around hair follicles and had thicker skin during periods of hair loss. After analyzing human skin samples, the scientists led by Yumiko Saga of the Division of Mammalian Development at the National Institute of Genetics in Mishima, discovered that the same gene is expressed in the hair shaft cuticle of people.

The findings could pave the way for cures to specific hair loss in the future.